Three to Watch in Fine Art Connoisseur magazine


In each issue of Fine Art Connoisseur magazine the editors briefly highlight the work of three up and coming artists in a feature called “Three to Watch”. I am honored to be selected as one of the three selected for the May issue along with the prominent display of my painting, "The End of Summer".

As an artist, it is often hard to try and describe your own paintings, especially to characterize your body of work or your style. Writer Allison Malafronte does an excellent job in her short but insightful write-up in a single page of this issue. The online version is an easy read here

With so much thought, observation, and reflection behind each piece, it is clear why Drake’s paintings frequently cause viewers to pause.

Fine Art Connoisseur is available at fine bookstores everywhere, or you can view the article on line. 

The End of Summer - egg tempera on panel, 20 x 30", private collection